So you booked your flights using a friend’s or family member’s credit scores card, and now you’re wondering what to do upon check in. Do you need the actual card? will a photocopy suffice? Do you need a copy of the ID of the owner of that card?
It’s one of the most confusing airline policies. It’s unclear because every airline has its own policies relating to this and these policies keep changing over time.
So let’s set the record straight. We reached out to different local airlines and a few others and asked them this:
If I book a flight using a credit scores card owned by someone who isn’t joining me on the flight, what is your policy when checking in? Do I need to bring a copy of that credit scores card?
And here are their answers (as of 2017).
Mi van az útmutatóban?
Cebu Pacific Air credit scores Card Policy
Philippine Airlines credit scores Card Policy
AirAsia Philippines credit scores Card Policy
Singapore Airlines credit scores Card Policy
EVA Air credit scores Card Policy
JetStar credit scores Card Policy
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Cebu Pacific Air credit scores Card Policy
Short Answer: Not usually.
Long Answer: This is what Cebu Pacific has to say on the matter. “Usually, it matters not who and how the booking/flight was paid for. What is crucial is that the name on the e-ticket matches that of the passengers’ and that the latter has ID to verify it.”
So a copy of the credit scores card isn’t normally required. The keyword phrase there is usually.
Cebu Pacific Air adds this: “As part of safety measures, random checks may be done so we encourage that aside from the ID of the passenger, have a copy of the credit scores card used for the transaction handy.”
And one final tip from the country’s greatest airline: “We strongly encourage that in cases where another person pays for the booking—especially if it’s a travel agency or an online trip aggregator and agency—to please make sure that contact details for the passenger are provided, to make sure the actual passengers can be reached in case of disruption or changes. If booking was done through a third party and paid by means of another credit scores card, make sure to have all contact details on hand in case of cancellations or refunds or voided transactions.”
Philippine Airlines credit scores Card Policy
Short answer: NO. Általában nem.
In an email from PAL, they wrote: “The requirement on credit scores card presentation requirement is NO longer applicable for all customers.”
The country’s flag-carrier also added that if the cardholder raised worry relating to a particular transaction or if the transaction is highly suspicious, they may still require credit scores card presentation for additionally validation. “We send out an email to the certain customer using the email address indicated on the PNR must there be a need to to do so.”
This is also appropriately disclosed on PAL’s website:
“Philippine Airlines may contact the card holder or the passenger through the contact details supplied to additionally validate the reservation or to require presentation of the credit scores card used for payment.
“Without prejudice to criminal prosecution under Republic Act No. 8484, friend may cancel a confirmed reservation or may remove from any flight any passenger if friend has reason to believe that a ticket(s) has been purchased using a fraudulent credit scores card.”
AirAsia Philippines credit scores Card Policy
Short Answer: NO.
According to AirAsia, “Passengers do not need to present a copy of credit scores card upon check-in, as long as they have the valid ID same with the name booked.”
But it’s crucial to remember that in some cases, the check-in counter staff would need two (2) valid IDs to verify the identity of the passenger.
Singapore Airlines credit scores Card Policy
According to their email, their policy on “third party” credit scores card that is NOT with the traveling party is this: “The card holder need to come to any SQ office (or airport office) for credit scores card verification.”
Singapore Airlines tackles this on their FAQs page. It reads:
I’ve booked a flight for another passenger using my credit scores card. What happens if I’m asked to verify my credit scores card but can’t be present for that passenger’s check-in?
You will then need to verify your credit scores or debit card at your local Singapore Airlines office or at the airport check-in counter before the departure. Otherwise, that passenger may be refused travel.
But what if, for whatever reason, the card holder cannot come to the SQ Office? According to the same email, “they need to fill up a Letter of Indemnity form and submit to SQ office before departure together with a copy of a valid ID and credit scores card. All blanks must be filled up in the form given.” The form can be given retrieved from any Singapore Airlines office.
EVA légi hitel-pontszámok kártya-politikája
Az EVA Air részletesen megvitatta ezt a forgatókönyvet a honlapjukon. According to them, “If you used a credit scores card to purchase a ticket online for another passenger and you will not be traveling with that passenger, then you need to complete our credit scores card verification procedure. Ha nem tudja teljesíteni az ellenőrzési eljárásunk követelményeit, akkor előfordulhat, hogy egy másik jegyet kell kapnia. ”
Az alábbiakban 2017-től a hitelminősítési kártya-eljárás. Két lehetőség van:
Option A. The cardholder need to present the credit scores card used at an EVA Air city office at least 48 hours before scheduled flight departure, and then sign an Indemnity of payment form at the office.
Option B. The cardholder need to present the credit scores card at the EVA Air check-in counter at the airport at least one hour before scheduled departure and sign an Indemnity of payment form. (Note: In view of the time limit and because check-in may be handled by a contracted company unfamiliar with our procedures, we suggest that you contact an EVA Air city office in development to make sure someone is available to help you.)
Az alábbiakban azok a követelmények, amelyeket a kártyabirtokosnak bemutatnia kell a fizetési forma kártalanításának teljesítését:
2 Érvényes kormányzonos. Az útlevél elfogadásra kerül. Tehát más jogilag elfogadható fotóazonosító (például egy vezetői engedély), amely ugyanazt a nevet viseli, mint a hiteles pontszámok kártya.
A visszaigazolási e-mail kinyomtatása, amikor online vásárolta meg a jegyét
Once the cardholder completes this procedure, the passenger no longer have to bring the credit scores card to the airport when checking in.
Jetstar Credit Scores kártyaházirend
“For selected routes,” JetStar’s policy is that the card needs to be verified upon check-in, so yeah, you may need to present the actual card used.
According to their website’s help page, “On selected routes, it is a condition of sale, check-in and boarding that the original and physical credit, debit or charge card used to purchase the ticket(s) need to be presented by the card Tulajdonos a repülőtéren. Ha a kiválasztott útvonalakon utazik, tájékoztatni fogja a foglalási folyamat során történő ellenőrzés szükségességét. A bejelentkezés előtt a kártyatulajdonosnak meg kell tennie a kártyát, amelyet a jegyek megvásárlására szolgálnak a kormányaikkal együtt kiadott azonosítással (például útlevél, személyazonosító kártya vagy vezetői engedély) a Jetstar bejelentkezési számlálóhoz. Ez a követelmény függetlenül attól, hogy a kártya tulajdonosa az utazó fél részét képezi-e. Ha a kártyát nem kell ellenőrizni, az utasok, akiknek jegyeit megvásárolták a kártyával, megtagadhatják a bejelentkezést és a beszállást a Jetstar saját belátása szerint. Egy hitelesítésre van szükség minden visszatérési útra. ”
Még mindig megpróbáljuk megkapni a kiválasztott útvonalak listáját. but for Manila-Singapore, our contact confirmed that “the card will have to be verified at the check-in counter or at the MIASCOR office at the airport.”
Frissítés: Az egyik olvasónk szerint, Shammi, aki a közelmúltban beszélgetett egy Jetstar képviselővel, a hitelnyilvántartási kártyák már nem kell ellenőrizni a bejelentkezéskor:
“Nincs szükség a hiteles pontszámok kártyájának ellenőrzésére. The credit scores card verification for flights from and to Manila or Singapore was lifted last October 2017.”
Néhány sokkal több légitársaság, amit másolunk, még nem válaszolunk, ezért frissítjük ezt a következő napokban.
Please note that this is as of August 2017. It would still be best to contact the airline directly to be absolutely sure.
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