A Bologna egy globálisan ünnepelt konyha, az Európa legrégebbi egyeteme, a történelmi terrakotta óváros, valamint annak parancsnoka középkori tornyai. A városhoz kapcsolódó összes becenévvel – a zsír, a megtanult, a vörös, valamint a tornyosított Bologna megérdemli az idejét, valamint az erőfeszítéseket.
Bolognában számos lenyűgöző helyszíne van, amelyeket érdemes meglátogatni, ugyanakkor szintén felhasználhatja azt az ország más ismert úti célpontjaiba vezető nappali kirándulások alapjául. A Bologna Centrale egy nagy szállítási csomópont, mivel összekapcsolja a várost kelet-nyugati és észak-déli irányokkal.
Íme néhány olyan helyszín, amelyet egy napos turnéon láthat. Ezek vonaton vagy busszal kaphatók. Ha a vonatot veszi, olcsóbb regionális vonatokkal, valamint sokkal költségesebb, bár gyorsabb, nagysebességű vonatokkal is rendelkezik.
Mi vonatkozik ebben az útmutatóban?
1. Modena
2. Parma
3. Reggio-Emilia
4. Ravenna
5. Ferrara
6. Rimini
7. San Marino
8. Velencei
9. Verona
10. Padova (Padova)
11. Milánó
12. Firenze
13. Chianti régió
14. Lucca
15. Pisa
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1. Modena
Modena egy újabb város az Emilia-Romagna régiójában. A Bolognától északnyugatra található, a Po -völgy déli részén. A város térképét olyan kulturális helyszínek, mint például a Modena -székesegyház, a Piazza Grande, valamint a Torre della Ghirlandina pontozva van, amelyeket mind az UNESCO világörökség részén megjegyeznek. A hercegi palota, a városháza (a Piazza Grande közelében), valamint az Enzo Ferrari múzeum más figyelemre méltó helyek.
Modena kitörölhetetlen hozzájárulást nyújt a kulináris világhoz – a balzsamos ecethez. Az autók és a teherautók rajongói számára a város a világ néhány csúcskategóriás sportautójának és teherautó-márkájának a háza, mint például a Ferrari, a Maserati, valamint a Lamborghini. Ez szintén Luciano Pavarotti szülővárosa.
A Bologna Centrale -től közvetlen vonatútvonalak is vannak Modena felé. Az utazási idő 15-40 perc. A viteldíj 3,85 euró – 16 euró, az osztálytól és a vonat típusától függően.
Legközelebbi vasútállomás: Modena állomás
2. Parma
Az Emilia-Romagna régióban is a Parma stratégiailag helyezkedik el Bologna és Milánó között. A fő utak, valamint a vasutak a várossal vágtak, így gyorsan hozzáférhetővé teszik. A Nyugat egyik legrégebbi egyeteme, a Parma Egyetem.
A városi térképet számos ősi templom és palota borítja. Néhány jelentős mérföldkő a Parma Cathedral, a Nemzeti Régiségek Múzeuma, valamint a Palazzo della Pilotta. A gasztronómiai kalandorok, különösen a sajt szerelmesei számára a Parma a parmezán sajt, valamint a prosciutto di parma (Parma Ham) szülőhelye.
A Bologna Centrale -től közvetlen útvonalak vannak a Parmába vonattal. Az utazási idő körülbelül egy óra. A viteldíj 7,35 euró – 21,50 euró, az osztálytól és a vonat típusától függően.
Legközelebbi vasútállomás: Parma állomás
3. Reggio-Emilia
A Reggio Emilia egy újabb város az Emilia-Romagna régióban, valamint Parma (West), valamint Modena (Kelet) között található. A térképen észreveszi a régi városközpont hatszögletű alakját, amely visszavezethető az azt körülvevő régi falakra.
A város hosszú templomokat és palotákat tartalmaz, néhányuk történelmileg jelentős – többek között a Santa Maria Assunta székesegyház, valamint a Palazzo Dei Musei.
A Bologna Centrale-től kb. 35-60 percbe telik, amíg eljut a Reggio Emilia. A viteldíj 6 – 19 euró, az osztálytól és a vonat típusától függően.
Legközelebbi vasútállomás: Reggio Emilia állomás
4. Ravenna
Ravenna városa Ravenna városa, amely Bolognától keletre, az Adriai-tenger felé, valamint az Emilia-Romagna régió felé halad. Az ókori időszakban virágzott, ahol végül a birodalmak, valamint a királyságok – a Nyugati Római Birodalom, az Ostrogotic Kingdom, a bizánci birodalom -, valamint a Lombards Királyság – finanszírozására és székhelyére került sor.
A város kialakítása hasonló az elmúlt korszakhoz. A legnépszerűbb a dinamikus mozaik öltözködés néhány kulturális tereptárgyra a városban.
Néhány kiemelkedő helyszín a bazilika di San Vitale, a Basilica di Sant’apollinare Nuovo, a Mausoleo di Galla Placidia, a Mausoleo di Teodorico, az ortodox keresztelés, Arian Baptistry, Archiepiscopal kápolna, valamint a CLASSE -i Basilica Di Sant’apollinare. Ezt a nyolcat az UNESCO Világörökség részén is megjegyezzük, amelyet együttesen „Ravenna korai keresztény emlékművei” -nek tekintnek.
A Bologna Centrale -től közvetlen vonatútvonalak vannak Ravennába. Az utazási idő körülbelül egy óra. A viteldíj 7,35 eurótól kezdődik.
Nearest Train Station: Ravenna Station
5. Ferrara
Ferrara is found northeast of Bologna, along the Po Delta. Hailed as the “City of the Renaissance”, it boasts numerous of its structures as well as cultural contributions that are associated to that period. The royal Este household as well as their like for the Renaissance period greatly influenced the city’s history as well as culture formation. Its many renowned landmark sits at the heart of the city — Este Castle.
The 4th-century castle, bounded by a moat, had undergone remodellings throughout time. other well-known attractions are Diamanti Palace, as well as Ferrara Cathedral (Cathedral of St. George).
From Bologna Centrale, there are direct train routes to Ferrara. The trip will take 30-60 minutes as well as fare varieties from €4.75 to €20.50.
Nearest Train Station: Ferrara Station
6. Rimini
Rimini is a coastal city along the shores of the Adriatic Sea. It is found southeast of Bologna as well as is established by the Romans in the mid 200 BC. aside from the Roman structures, the city is likewise house to centuries-old Renaissance landmarks. The city is understood for its resorts as well as seaside nightlife, making it one of the preferred holiday destinations of regional as well as foreign tourists.
The city has lots of cultural landmarks in the type of religious as well as secular buildings, archaeological sites, as well as monuments. a few of the widely known historical sites are Malatestiano Temple, Castel Sismondo, Ponte de Tiberio (Tiberius Bridge), as well as Arch of Augustus.
From Bologna Centrale, the travel time is 1-2 hours, depending upon the path as well as type of train. The fare is €9.85 – €30, depending upon the ticket class as well as train type.
Nearest Train Station: Rimini Station
The city likewise serves as the jump-off point to San Marino. speaking of San Marino…
7. San Marino
San Marino is one of the smallest countries in the world at just around 61 square km as well as a population of roughly 33,500. a few of the attractions to include in your schedule are the Guaita Fortress, Monte Titano, Piazza della Liberta, Palazzo Pubblico, as well as Basilica di San Marino just to name some.
San Marino has no railway system. The closest gateway by train is the Rimini station on the coastal side of the Emilia-Romagna region. From Bologna Centrale, there’s a direct train path to Rimini that will take about an hour. when in Rimini, board the bus bound for San Marino. We have a step-by-step guide here: exactly how TO get FROM BOLOGNA TO SAN MARINO!
We likewise have a comprehensive sample schedule here: SAN MARINO DAY trip ITINERARY!
Nearest Train Station: Rimini Station
8. Velencei
Probably one of the most well-known cities in Italy, Venice elicits pictures of gondola rides, canals, as well as lovely buildings that date back to centuries ago. This thriving trade port played a significant function in shaping the region’s history during its heyday in ancient times. a few of the noteworthy destinations you can see include the Doge’s Palace, St. Mark’s Basilica, The Grand Canal, Francesco Guardi, as well as the Piazza San Marco.
There are numerous trains departing from Bologna Centrale to Venice. The trip takes roughly an hour as well as a half to two hours. Fare is around €12.90 to €36, depending upon class as well as train. inspect for costs online.
Nearest Train Station: Venice Santa Lucia Station
9. Verona
A UNESCO world Heritage Site, the City of Verona doesn’t have the exact same name recall as Venice, Florence, as well as Milan, however it has its own charm. You may understand this since of Shakespeare, who utilized it as the setting for his novels Romeo as well as Juliet as well as The two Gentlemen of Verona.
Some of the attractions you can see during your stay are the Arena di Verona, Castle Vecchio, Ponte di Castle Vecchio, Basilica of San Zeon Maggiore, Piazza Delle Erbe as well as others.
From Bologna Centrale to Verona Porta Nuova, the fare starts at €11 as well as higher. The trip can take as much as an hour as well as a half.
Nearest Train Station: Verona Porta Nuova Station
10. Padova (Padova)
Padua in the Veneto region is one of the possible day trip destinations from Bologna as well as for those heading to Venice. The city is found northeast of Bologna as well as west of Venice. various branches of Bacchiglione River cut with the city, providing increase to the building of bridges in as well as around the city.
The old town has visible buildings with linked arches. These arcaded streets are brimming with shops as well as cafes. prominent sites are Basilica of St. Anthony, Scrovegni Chapel, Palazzo della Ragione, as well as Prato della Valle. The city likewise has a number of piazzas (plazas).
From Bologna Centrale, it will take about an hour as well as a half to get to Padua by train. The fare is €10.40 – €27.50, depending upon the train type as well as ticket class.
Nearest Train Station: Padova Centrale Station
11. Milánó
Milan is one more city you can see as a day trip from Bologna. It is not just a fashion capital, however it is likewise house to numerous historic sites as well as numerous attractions. Some locations of rateof interest include the Milan Cathedral, Sforza Castle, La Scala, Arch of Peace, Milano Centrale railway Station, as well as the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.
There are a number of trains traveling from Bologna Centrale to Milan. travel time takes anywhere from an hour to roughly three hours. Fare is around €16.80 to €56, depending upon the train as well as class. You can discover ticket costs as well as availability online.
Nearest Train Station: Milan Centrale Station
12. Firenze
The funding of the Tuscany region, just put, is beautiful. Florence was a thriving trade as well as monetary hub of medieval Europe. numerous think about the city as the Renaissance’s birthplace. The historic center has been a UNESCO world Heritage site because 1982.
Some noteworthy attractions include the Florence Cathedral, Giotto’s Campanile, Palazzo Vecchio, Basilica of Santa Croce, Uffizi palace as well as Gallery, Piazzale Michelangelo as well as numerous others.
You can take the trainer bus from Bologna to Florence the trip takes anywhere between 40 minutes to an hour as well as a half. Fare is roughly €10; inspect on the internet for costs as well as availability. If you want to take the train from Bologna Centrale, the travel time is from 40 minutes to two hours. The fare is €9.45 – €33, depending upon the train type as well as class.
Nearest Train Station: Firenze Santa Maria Novella Station
13. Chianti régió
This rural region of Tuscany is found southwest of Bologna. The mountainous or hilly region’s economic climate depends primarily on agriculture with red wine being the primary product; hence, vineyards as well as wineries abound in the region.
Siena is part of Chianti as well as it’s understood for the medieval buildings made from bricks. the most essential landmark is Piazza del Campo, where you can likewise area other historical structures. While in the region, see the hilly town of San Gimignano, especially the walled medieval town center, a UNESCO world Heritage Site, where you can discover the Piazza della Cisterna as well as the ancient tower houses. The town is likewise understood for its white red wine production.
From Bologna to the Chianti region, you have to make a stop in Florence (Empoli Station) to get to either Castellina in Chianti-Monteriggioni station or Poggibonsi station in Siena. The travel time is 2-3 hours.
Nearest Train Station: Castellina in Chianti-Monteriggioni station or Poggibonsi Station
14. Lucca
Lucca is found in the Tuscany region as well as the funding of its namesake province. It is located southwest of Bologna, near the Ligurian Sea. Its history traces back to the Etruscan reign, however it’s many well-known for its intact wall fortress from the Renaissance period, which surrounds the old town center. The walls’ rampart ended up being a beautiful strolling as well as cycling spot. see these considerable landmarks — Guinigi Tower, Piazza Cittadella, Lucca Cathedral, Casa di Puccini, as well as the Clock Tower.
From Bologna Centrale, you requirement to transfer to one more train at Prato Centrale to Lucca. The travel time is 2-3 hours. The fare is €13.35 – €40.90, depending upon the train type as well as class.
Nearest Train Station: Lucca Station
15. Pisa
Traveling even more southwest of Lucca is Pisa, likewise in the Tuscany Region. It is house to the world-famous bell tower — the Leaning Tower of Pisa. who might have missed that? however aside from that, the city nestles a significant number of historic structures such as churches, squares, palaces, as well as bridges.
Some noteworthy ones are Piazza dei Miracoli (Piazza del Duomo), Camposanto Monumentale cemetery, Pisa Cathedral, as well as Palazzo della Carovana.
From Bologna Centrale, it needs one to two train transfers to Pisa. The typical interchange station is Firenze Santa Maria Novella station as well as Prato Centrale Station. The travel time is about three hours. The fare is €15.75 – €49.50, depending upon the route, train type, as well as class.
Nearest Train Station: Pisa Centrale Station
Residence Railway
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Casa Isolani, Piazza Maggiore. inspect rates & Availability! ✅
Le Stanze degli Angeli, space & Breakfast. inspect rates & Availability! ✅
La finestra sul canale. inspect rates & Availability! ✅
Attico di through d’Azeglio. inspect rates & Availability! ✅
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Edited by Asta Alvarez
2020 • 9 • 7
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