Last updated: July 2011.
It was still dark when our Cebu Pacific Air flight landed at the Daniel Z. Romualdez airport (Tacloban Airport). quickly we walked through the baggage claim area all the way out of the airport to the vehicle parking lot where taxi drivers stood in a straight line while waiting for passengers. Yes, I swear it was a straight line, LOL. because we did not check in any baggage, we were the first group to emerge from the airport. We had barely stepped out of the building when taxi drivers started walking towards us. I had never felt like a magnet before.
But nothing they said could convince us to take a cab. even before the trip started we had already made up our minds — we would take a jeepney. We were sure. We had a plan. We had focus. nothing could go wrong.
Ten minutes later, our jeepney stopped in the middle of the road and the driver asked everyone to get off and wait. It wasn’t until 30 minutes later when the driver finally accepted that he could not fix the vehicle and returned our fares, forcing us to hail another jeepney. had we known our jeepney would break down in the middle of the road, we would have taken a cab. Lol. thank you, jeepney, for proving just how poor a traveler I really am.
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How to get to Marabut extreme Experience
About Marabut extreme Adventure
Szobák és árak
Activities at Marabut extreme Adventure
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How to get to Marabut extreme Experience
Sure, we had a little setback when the jeepney we took broke down but that did not mean we would start our trip on a sour note. In fact, it was a stunning morning and the sun was gentle. An hour later, we were at Marabut extreme Experience. and below is how we got there:
At the airport vehicle parking lot, ride a jeepney and ask the driver to drop you off at the new Tacloban Bus Terminal. You can also take a cab but it is much, much more expensive.
Vegyünk egy shuttle -t (kisteherautó) vagy buszt Marabutba. note that it is very likely that the shuttle will not leave until all seats are occupied. and I’m telling you, it takes a long while. Eventually, we gave up the van and took the bus instead. It was a good choice as we appreciated the people and the culture more.
Tell the driver/conductor to drop you off at Marabut Extreme. At first we said “Marabut Marine Park beach Resort” but no one in the bus knew where it was. but they knew “Marabut Extreme.”
ÉLVEZD A KILÁTÁST. You’ll have a sneak peek of how stunning Samar is on the road. You’ll get a terrific view of the beach and some rocky cliffs especially if you’re on the right side of the bus/shuttle.
Watch out for a wooden arc over an unpaved road. (See pic below.) That’s your marker.
From the national highway, walk to Marabut extreme Experience. It wasn’t really a long walk but it wasn’t short either. like a 5-10 minute walk. just go straight and you’ll see the resort on your left.
Quite honestly, we had a number of I’m-so-scared-I-want-my-Mommy moments along the way. For starters, when the bus dropped us off at an unpaved road that they said would lead us to Marabut Extreme, we realized we were alone, awfully alone. other than the trees swaying in the strong Samar wind a la “The Happening,” we could not see any house or person. This was the place.
When we were walking down the rocky road to the resort, there was a loud, strange noise coming from the bush. It turned out — to our amusement — a young water buffalo was being harassed (sexually, I think) by a bigger buffalo.
After minutes of walking, we finally saw the magnificent San Pedro Bay. The resort is situated in a cove, isolated from other beaches. Gyönyörű volt. The towering cliffs and the provincial atmosphere reminiscent of Sagada, made the fears last for only a few seconds as they were easily replaced by awe.
About Marabut extreme Adventure
“Wow” was the first word we uttered upon seeing the beach front. The sky was gloomy that day but the golden sand, the gentle waves, and the rocky islets were enough to mesmerize us. but it wasn’t long until “Wow” was followed by “Wait. There’s no one here.”
We couldn’t see a single person in the area. The place looked deserted. It was eerie bordering on creepy to be honest. other than the waves and the wind, we could hear no sound. Silence was broken when, out of the blue, three dogs barked like crazy as they came rushing towards us. My two female companions got scared but they looked harmless (the dogs, not my female companions). one of the dogs started rubbing its head on my legs as it moved — slowly — around me. It was like the dogs gave us a warm welcome. seconds later a man sweeping the ground emerged, greeted us and told us to find the caretaker of the resort, a middle-aged woman, at the restaurant.
After a quick conversation with the caretaker, it was official — We were the only guests at the resort. That’s a good thing, uhm,Azt gondoltam.
A Marabut Extreme tapasztalatait a Leyte Park Resort Hotel kezeli. Korábban Marabut Marine Park Beach Resort néven ismerték, de áthelyezte magát, és inkább a kalandra összpontosított.
Szobák és árak
Vezettünk minket a házunkhoz. Légkondicionált volt, és nagyon otthonos hangulatú volt. De nem számítottunk arra, hogy a szoba ilyen tágas lesz. A nekünk adott helyiségnek két egyszemélyes ágya és 1 dupla fedélzete volt, amelyek 4 embert képesek befogadni. Heck, csak három ember voltunk megosztva a szobát. Az egyik sarokban volt egy televíziós készlet. Még a mellékhelyiség is tágas volt.
A Marabut Extreme Adventure 10 házat tartalmaz. Van egy kempingterületük azok számára is, akik szeretnének szabadban érezni magukat.
Csak a P2635 -et fizettük éjszakánként a szobánkért. Ossza meg ezt 3 -tal, és ez személyenként P880. Ne feledje, hogy a szoba valóban négy vagy annál nagyobb befogadást tud befogadni, így ha nagyobb csoport vagy, mint mi, akkor a költségeket alacsonyabban lehet.
Éjszakai szoba: P2635/éjszaka (legfeljebb 4 PAX -ig)
Napi túra kunyhó: P350/nap
Tevékenységek a Marabut Extreme Adventure -ban
Miután a táskáinkat a szobába dobtuk, úgy döntöttünk, hogy ebédelünk. Annak érdekében, hogy ötletet kapjon arról, hogy mennyit kell elkészítenie, itt van egy felvétel a menüjükről.
Az étel jó volt. Semmi különösebb, de a tálalás elég nagylelkű volt.
Ebéd után feküdtünk a homokon, és a napfényben sütjük. Utána úsztunk. Szintén snorkelni akartunk, de amikor megkérdeztük a gondozót, hogy miért volt egy nettó határ a vízben, azt mondta, hogy a medúza szezonja volt. Ledobtuk a snorkeling ötletet, eltemettük és egy imát mondtunk. Sajnálom, hogy a snorkeling fogaskerekek, ma nem fognak használni.
Egyikünk sem próbált kajakozást korábban, így meg akartuk csinálni. Eleinte mindenki félt. Csak két gyerek, a gondnok gyermekei sikeresen megtörtént, amikor azt mondtuk, hogy felkészültünk. Nagawa Nga Nung Dalawang Bata, Papatalo Ba Kami?
Kajakoztunk a környék sok szigete körül. (Természetesen mentőmellényünk volt.) Ismét egyikünk sem próbálta meg korábban, így mindannyian vágyakoztunk a helyekre. There was a rocky island with a pocket of white beach but unfortunately, it was too crowded so we decided to head back to the resort. It was an amazing feeling but as soon as we rested, the amazing feeling looked to pain as our shoulders and upper arms started to give us the torture of the century. Lol. too much paddling left the paddlers crying.
By the way, use of kayaks was free of charge for guests staying at the resort.
After a full day of rolling on the sand (wahaha), swimming, lazing on the beach and more kayaking, we decided to have dinner and retire early. After all, we would need to wake up early the next morning for our trip to the Sohoton natural Bridge natural Park in Basey, Samar.
The next day, when we were leaving, the dogs whom we baptized Tagpi, Bantay and Boyet even led us out to the highway as if saying goodbye.
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